Scout Uniform or Insignia question


Hi Leif!!

You posted and asked me:
I have a question: after attaining rank of Eagle Scout: what is the protocol for dress a couple of years after I earned Eagle rank. I need to know how to dress for a Eagle Court of Honor for a younger scout just attaining his Eagle rank. I will be part of the ceremony. 
It depends on if you are currently registered as a Scouter, Venturer or Scout or not.

If you ARE a registered member of the BSA, you should wear the field uniform with the medal displayed, even if you have the square knot insignia on your uniform shirt.  The medal is worn immediately above the top edge of the left uniform pocket, regardless if the uniform is a Venturing, Scout or Scouter field uniform.

Sashes (merit badge nor OA sashes) are NOT worn by adults; Venturers and Scouts may wear the merit badge sash but NO OA Sashes (that’s why we wear the OA flap)!!

Neckerchief and/or slide is up to you….if you are a part of a unit, you should wear the neckerchief of the unit. If not, you may choose to wear whatever neckerchief and slide you desire.
If you ARE NOT a registered member of the BSA, you should wear a nice suit or at least a shirt with a pocket along with a nice pair of pants/jeans. If you are wearing the shirt and pants/jeans, wear the Eagle medal centered on the pocket. If you don’t want to wear the medal, wearing a small Eagle pin is good too.
If you are wearing a suit, wear the Eagle Medal half-way down centered on the LEFT lapel or a small Eagle pin on the top of the lapel. 

Have a great time and thanks for asking me!!

Mike Walton


About Mike Walton

Take your standard Oliver North. Add strong parts of Bill Cosby and Sir Robert Baden-Powell (the founder of Scouting). Throw in Johny Bravo without the "hurhhs!" and his pecks. Add a strong dose of parenting, the sexuality of a latin lover, and Mona Lisa's smile. And a 40 year old's body frame. That's me basically *grinning*

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