Job Search and Eagle (19 Feb 14)

Shawn wrote and asked over on the Eagle Scout page on Facebook:
“I recently graduated college, and now looking for full time employment. That being said, how has Eagle Scout helped you within your employment? How has it helped you obtain the job that you have?”

To be honest, the fact that I have earned Eagle gave me a foot or leg into the interview, but other than that, it was no more important than the fact that I graduated from college with a degree in a double major; or that I served in the National Guard; or that I was a part of my community’s efforts toward building a new park. I am sure that the screeners looked at my application and saw that I am an Eagle Scout but that just placed my application into the “let’s talk with him” pile, nothing more. Even my first job, as a tour guide was based upon my public speaking experience and not the fact that my boss knew I am an Eagle Scout.

“With the view of Boy Scouts and the negative perspective (from what I have seen) in the publics’ eyes, what’s the best way of bringing up you are an Eagle Scout while job hunting?”

I don’t. I let my behavior, manner of speaking and my ability to research and find ways I can fit into their organization do my “bringing up” the fact that I’m an Eagle Scout to them. It may come up from the silver Eagle lapel pin I wear; or the fact that I have an Eagle Scout bumper sticker on my van (don’t have one on the car yet…). 
Or it’s the manner in which I use the “3 and 12” during my interview. I’m truthful in my answers no matter how painful or embarrassing to me they are; I speak well of my previous work experiences; I’m helpful and kind when I am introduced, I show good manners and speak directly to the interviewer. I am cheerful but not overdoing it — it is a job interview, not a pep rally; I follow the directions if they request of me a pee sample, a typing test, or one of those Briggs type profile tests; and I am neat in appearance, stand tall and listen to what they are saying as much as what I’ve prepared myself to say to them. And I pray for a successful interview — not that I get the job. I have to convince the person on the other side of the desk that I am what they are looking for…and while prayer helps, we shouldn’t depend just on faith to get the job.
Thanks for posting this great question and good luck in your job search!!

About Settummanque

Take your standard Oliver North. Add strong parts of Bill Cosby and Sir Robert Baden-Powell (the founder of Scouting). Throw in Johny Bravo without the "hurhhs!" and his pecks. Add a strong dose of parenting, the sexuality of a latin lover, and Mona Lisa's smile. And a 40 year old's body frame. That's me basically *grinning*
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