Steve Jobs, who co-founded Apple Computers, passed away during the evening of 5 October 2011. He is credited with creating the Macintosh personal computer, the i-Phone and i-Pad as well as other consumer products which basically changed the script on Americana.
This never aired but I can tell you that this represents everyone — to include our hundreds of thousands of Cubs, Scouts and Venturers AND their adult mentors and supporters — who likewise “think different” every single day while living out the Scouting values. Steve Jobs, this nation thanks you for “thinking different”, as we likewise thank those many others who “thought different” and dared to share it with us. And to the Jobs family: may you find solace in knowing that everywhere you look, touch or read — that Steve’s “machines” made much if not all of it reality. From furniture designs to videotelephone conferencing to something we now call “ergonomics” — the vast majority of it was designed, engineered, thought or drempt while using a Mac, some form of “i” device, or simply by someone saying “Hey — if Steve Jobs can do this, why can’t I?” I never owned a Mac nor an “i-device” but I know of its simplicity, its workability, and the love of those who do and enjoy such items. Thank you and may God’s blessings be upon you, your family and the Apple employees and fans, and upon the future Steve Jobs — many of them will claim former or present membership in Scouting.
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