More on Missing the 2015 TAC Training/Service Conf (13 Mar 15)

WEBELOS Cub Scout Kaden became a Boy Scout tonight; his sister Hannah tried to bribe him into tripping over the bridge separating his Cub Scout experience from the experience awaiting him as a Boy Scout. THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is what Scouting is all about: the enthusiasm and energy of a young man; the encouragement and yeah, a bit of jealousy for his achievement by his sibling and all of the rest of us in attendance.
Until this evening, I did not know who Kaden was but I found myself rooting for him, the next generation of Scouting in his family. His grandfather told me during dinner of his Scouting experiences, along with his son’s experiences. He gave his grandson Kaden a Scout pocketknife and told him he has to wait until he got home to open the package and take the knife out. “Didn’t you have to earn some kind of card to carry that pocketknife?” he asked his grandson.
I was there at Pack 142/Troop 142 over in Tullahoma this evening to eat…er…help them celebrate another year of Scouting through their Blue and Gold Banquet. I hoped that I encouraged and influenced Kaden’s and other Cub Scout families to contribute to their Council’s Friends of Scouting family campaign. I was unable to fly to Germany for the annual Scouting training and service conference today because next week, my brothers and I are hoping to finish up the family’s estate. I will miss my peers and friends in southern Germany… I hope to be able to continue to be of service to Scouting and families like Kaden’s no matter where I happen to be.
Kaden and I shared favorite Cub Scout memories. I will pray for him tonight that he has a lot of great Boy Scouting memories — memories like those his grandfather have stored and later shared. Friends of Scouting — Kaden and his family.
Do you part please and support Scouting in your community, if not financially, by declaring to your friends that Scouting is Important!

About Settummanque

Take your standard Oliver North. Add strong parts of Bill Cosby and Sir Robert Baden-Powell (the founder of Scouting). Throw in Johny Bravo without the "hurhhs!" and his pecks. Add a strong dose of parenting, the sexuality of a latin lover, and Mona Lisa's smile. And a 40 year old's body frame. That's me basically *grinning*
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