Questions about “Mormon Influnce” and Scouting

A Scouter wrote and asked me:
“A guy today made some claims at me that Scouting was sunk because of Mormon control and influence.  He stated one in five Scouts were Mormon and that Mormons had gained control of the central council of Scouting. Any truth in this?”

I don’t know about the “one in five Scouts” claim; it could be “one in five Scouts in his Council”, which, if he was a part of Utah Parks, Great Salt Lake, or perhaps Nevada Area Councils, I would say “that’s about right”.  However, I don’t believe that “one in five Scouts” in central Alabama or New York State or nationally is of the LDS or “Mormon” faith.  I would say that it’s more like “one in nine or ten Scouts” nationally. 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the official name of the mainline “LDS” or “Mormon” church; I typed it out because there are different types of “Mormons” today like there are different “types” of Baptists… and other faiths) uses the COMPLETE Scouting program (all three BSA programs — Cub Scouting, Boy/Varsity Scouting, Venturing/Sea Scouting) as a part of their youth religious education and outreach.  There’s NOTHING wrong with this…I embrace it because as a church uses the entire Scouting family, they encourage their youth to become registered Scouts or Venturers and adults to become volunteers and/or to financially support the movement. 

The Southern Baptists and Catholic churches use the Cub Scout and Venturing programs; Many Southern Baptists use the Awana program instead of Boy Scouting and some churches use BOTH programs.

There are eight “Mormon” members of the BSA’s National Executive Board (according to my own personal “count” and knowledge); that is more than any other “block” of influncial businesspeople on that board, which sets policy and procedure for the movement nationally. The National Executive Board doesn’t appoint or approve volunteers, don’t approve Scout Executives (other than the Chief Scout Executive and his principal Deputy), and doesn’t exercise control over local Councils — that is the role of local Council Executive Boards and local Council Scout Executives/Council Executives.

The “central council” of Scouting rests between the Key Three: the BSA’s National President, the Chief Scout Executive, and the BSA’s National Commissioner.  I don’t know about the National President’s religious habits, but I do know that the National Commissioner (Tico Perez) is a longtime Catholic and supporter of his Parish in Florida, where he and his family lives and works; our Chief Scout Executive (Chief Bob) Mazzuca is a Episcopalian and likewise is very active in his church in the Dallas area.  So I don’t see any “Mormon” influnce in there…

Two comments about “Mormon influnce”:  During the concluding National Scout Jamboree, the majority of the acts had religious roots…the two bands are mainline Christian (Protestant) groups; the young lady who butchered great songs by R&B artists and the rap/hip-hop guy who performed “I Was Born to be a Scout” are both “Mormon”.  Neither of these groups stated anything about their faith during their performances, and the Scouts enjoying their acts (well, maybe not the gal’s act — she really sucked in *my opinion*) knew what they were getting and were okay with it!

The other comment is that there are *some aspects* of “Mormon life” that even my family has embraced. Because one of my former Scoutmasters was a “Mormon”, I would try to contact him on Thursdays and he would remind me that Thursdays are “family evenings” with him and his family — and that he doesn’t do ANY Scouting on that evening, preferring to doing outings or indoor activities with his daughters, son and wife. 

I remembered that and when I was married both times, I reserved Thursday nights for “just between me and Millie” or “Jessi and Mike time”.  As my family grew, it became the one day of the week that I don’t spend it in front of a computer or in the office room and instead spent it with the rest of the family. It did help our family dynamics somewhat because kids told their peers not to bother them on Thursdays — it’s their time to “sit around with mom and dad so that I can go out on Fridays…” *smiling*

“I am trying to become a Commissioner but its as if qualified men just are not wanted.  Is Scouting being penetrated and destroyed from within?”

What kind of Commissioner are you trying to work as?  Have you talked with your District’s Executive — last time I saw stats, the BSA as a whole was behind Commissioners to the tune of of one Commissioner for every 22 or so units (the standard is one Commissioner for every three units).  You can also serve on the Commissioners’ Roundtable staff which is unlimited in the number of Commissioners that they can have…


Settummanque is writer, military officer, dad, friend, traveler,
public speaker, webmaster, Eagle Scout, and/or “sweetie”
(LTC) Mike Walton. South Lake Minnetonka area, Minnesota.


About Mike Walton

Take your standard Oliver North. Add strong parts of Bill Cosby and Sir Robert Baden-Powell (the founder of Scouting). Throw in Johny Bravo without the "hurhhs!" and his pecks. Add a strong dose of parenting, the sexuality of a latin lover, and Mona Lisa's smile. And a 40 year old's body frame. That's me basically *grinning*
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