More about “Giving Back Eagle Medals ” (24 Jul 12)


Today, several news stories told of a “campaign” being conducted by mostly “straight” Eagle Scouts, returning their Eagle Scout medals and attempting to “resign” as Eagle Scouts.  After reading the blog story on Yahoo News written by Mike Krumboltz ( you can read it at ) I had to respond in the best way I knew:

A challenge to my fellow Eagle Scouts.

Here’s what I wrote.  I am betting a small stack of Council Shoulder Patches (CSPs) that none of those “former Eagles” will even consider it.

Hey Mike!!

I think that “all of these former Eagle Scouts” should realize something which will make this “protest” basically ineffective.

I guess they all “forgot” or were ill-informed at the time they became Eagles that although they can give back the medals. Tear up, burn or shred the certificates. Walk around and say that they are “former Eagle Scouts” — none of that matter. From the time they completed the Board of Review for Eagle until well after their bodies have been buried or creamated, they are STILL EAGLE SCOUTS. It’s like the Marine Corps: you can try to turn your back on the Corps…but the Corps will never turn it’s back on a Marine.

Same thing here. Each Eagle Scout is a “marked man for life.”

Such displays are ineffective because one can purchase an Eagle Scout medal for as little as $17.50 at local Scouting distributors; about twice that much via auction sites like eBay. Some of those “former Eagle Scouts” may be turning in medals worth eight to twelve times the retail cost because of the way their medal was made, or the fact that it contained sterling silver. I assist people who “lost” or “sold” their Eagle medals with helping them to get replacement ones every week. The BSA will sell you a replacement wall or pocket certificate for around $3.

If I was more marketer than Scouter, I would encourage those “former Eagles” to mail their medals to me…I’ll find someone who will treasure your medal especially since the medal doesn’t have your name engraved on it… but nah, go ahead and mail them back to the National office with your protest letters…

If those “former Eagle Scouts” really want people to stand up and pay attention to this issue and its importance to them — perform some act of service. Put the fact that you’re an Eagle Scout to use. When people ask you “why are you are doing” whatever positive thing you (and your buddies, if they are so likeminded to write letters and enclosing their Eagle badges to some office which will just put them with the rest into a big box and lock it in a drawer somewhere…), simply tell them the truth:

“I’m doing this for some kid who can’t do it because of a flawed policy”.

Enough of you guys “making a positive statement” — and the communities, the media, and especially the Boy Scouts of America — will sit up, take note and develop ways to work with you in crafting a policy which will work best for all.

You didn’t become Eagle Scouts just for the medal. Chances are you’ve worn the medal only a few times — and I bet half of those times was to impress someone — to let them know you’re an Eagle Scout.

Nah…you and I became Eagle Scouts to beat the “man” at their own game. We’ve won. So now, prove it. Prove you can be the “bigger person” in this matter. That you’ve actually living up to the values you and I pledged when our parents or someone we felt important pinned the medal on our uniform shirts.

After all, not *every young man* can become an Eagle Scout; and noboby — including you — can “turn it off”.

That is, unless by turning in your Eagle medals and saying you’re a “former Eagle Scout” means that you’ve failed all of us in American society. That’s sad.


Settummanque is writer, retired military officer, dad, friend,
traveler, public speaker, webmaster, Eagle Scout, and/or “sweetie”
(LTC) Mike Walton. South Lake Minnetonka area, Minnesota.


About Mike Walton

Take your standard Oliver North. Add strong parts of Bill Cosby and Sir Robert Baden-Powell (the founder of Scouting). Throw in Johny Bravo without the "hurhhs!" and his pecks. Add a strong dose of parenting, the sexuality of a latin lover, and Mona Lisa's smile. And a 40 year old's body frame. That's me basically *grinning*
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