Eagle Palms

Hi David!!

Sorry for the late response. Yep, I’m still here and my site’s still being managed by myself.  I’ve been sorta busy with work and the creation of a new portal for Lone Scouts and Scouters.

You wrote in part and asked me:

“But I’m wondering whether youth can wear their Eagle palms on their oval rank badges? I personally never wanted to puncture my Eagle ribbon with the palm devices.”

Yep. Take a look at the page on the Eagle Award itself.  It is not documented in the official BSA publications (it was in the past but in the current Guide to Uniforming, it doesn’t mention it…) but it’s official.

The Eagle Palms belong on the ribbon of the Eagle Award when worn — only the largest combination goes on the ribbon — not all of the Palms you’ve earned.  For instance, if you’ve earned two Bronze, two Gold and two Silver Palms, only the two silver Palms goes on the ribbon of the Eagle medal (and on the cloth badge or the square knot emblem, depending on your age).

Likewise, if all you’ve earned are two Palms, (Bronze and Gold), only the Gold Palm is worn on the ribbon of the medal (and on the cloth badge or the square knot emblem, again, depending on age).

“Also, if an Eagle is over the age of 18 (say in Venturing or Sea Scouts), is he allowed to wear his Eagle square knot instead of the oval rank badge?”

No. If you’re a Venturer or Sea Scout, you have to wear the cloth badge (the ovalled badge) and NOT the square knot insignia.  That’s something only adults get to wear because they can’t wear the cloth badge.  That’s because Venturers are treated as youth members until they turn 21.

Thanks for your patience…and thanks very much for asking me!!

Mike Walton

About Mike Walton

Take your standard Oliver North. Add strong parts of Bill Cosby and Sir Robert Baden-Powell (the founder of Scouting). Throw in Johny Bravo without the "hurhhs!" and his pecks. Add a strong dose of parenting, the sexuality of a latin lover, and Mona Lisa's smile. And a 40 year old's body frame. That's me basically *grinning*

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